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Ultimate Party(Web) - Event Information
$229.00 up to 8 children
$15.00 per additional child
Two Hours of Fun, Games and Refreshments Each Party Guest Receives: •Unlimited Putt-Putt® Golf during the party time •Soft drink and ice cream •$10.00 game room game play card (or $20.00 game play card a game room only party) •Party bag with favors •100 bonus prize tickets Each Party Receives: •Limited use of the Birthday Party room for refreshments and opening gifts (up to 45 minutes) •All setups for the party room •Cupcakes and a slice of Pizza for each guest •Welcome and special recognition of honoree over P.A. The Birthday Honoree Also Receives: •2,000 prize tickets to choose a special Birthday gift from our Prize Center •Name on Happy Birthday marquee Your Party Host Provides •Introductory instructions on how to play Putt-Putt® Golf •Organizing the structure of your party •Serving of all refreshments for the party •All set up and clean up of the party room Only $189 for up to eight guests (over $240 value) Plus $15 for each additional guest --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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